Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year 2019

Hope you scatter joy and pleasure where you move all 365 days of the forthcoming year and find precisely the exact same in return.
Happy New Year 2019 to You & Your Family !
#HappyNewYear2019 #HNY2019 #weightlossbd


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Learn To Get Back Up After Failures

To make an end is to make a beginning, Learn To Get Back Up After Failures
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #slimmingbd #garciniacambogiabd #GreenCoffeeExtractbd #weightlossmotivation #glutathionebd #biotinbd #glucomannanbd #raspberryketonebd
Visit - 


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Start To Achieve Your Goals

Does These Words Motivate You Today To Take Action ?
If you do not Start nothing is going to happen !
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #loseweight #fatburners #fit 


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

13 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Weight

13 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Weight 
#weightloss #fat2fit #loseweight #yoga #exercises #slim 


Believing In Yourself Is the First Secret To Success

Believing In Yourself Is the First Secret To Success
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #success #fat2fit #biotinbd #glutathione 


New Exercise Guidelines

New Exercise Guidelines Urge Everyone:
#weightloss #dhaka #health #exercise
Just Move 


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Real Definition of Woman

A Woman is like a flower, If you care for her and love her enough, you will have the honor of watching her bloom.
#woman #health #weightloss #fit #loseweight #dhaka 


Try Before You Say No To Any Task !

The Greatest Failure is the Failure to Try !
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #biotinbd #glutathionebd #garciniacambogia #raspberryketonesbd 


Monday, December 10, 2018

Build a New You !

The Secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,
but on building the New !
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #slimmingbd #garciniacambogiabd #GreenCoffeeExtractbd #glutathionebd #biotinbd #glucomannanbd #raspberryketonebd 


Every Day is a New Opportunity !

There Will Be Good & Bad Days.
Don't Let One Bad Day Stop You from Reaching Your Goals !
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #garciniacambogiabd #GreenCoffeeExtractbd #weightlossmotivation #glutathionebd #biotinbd #glucomannanbd #raspberryketonesbd 


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Health Benefits of Raw Bananas

Green bananas may provide some additional nutrients and benefits that yellow bananas do not. They're rich in resistant starch and pectin, which are filling, improve digestive health and help lower blood sugar levels. 

Benefits : -
1. Rich in vitamins: Raw bananas are specifically rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin B6.
2. Great for diabetics
3. Raw bananas are rich in fiber
4. Prevents stomach problems
5. They help in weight loss
6. Good for heart health
7. Gives a boost to beneficial starch

#fat2fit  #weightlossinbd #losingweight  #weightlosssbd #fatlossjourney  #fit #dietplan #slimmingjourney  #weightlossbd #fatburner #greenbananas 


6 Easy Natural Cures For Wheezing

"6 Easy Natural Cures For Wheezing"

The process of breathing is one of the most important and basic functions of human body. The body takes in oxygen which produces energy and gives out waste in the form of carbon dioxide. This continuous process is so vital for the body that it cannot hold its breath for more than a few seconds.

In this process, air that enters in the body goes into the wind pipe and then it enters the lungs filling the sac- like structures in the lungs. Now here wheezing occurs when one has problem while breathing. This tends to happen when there is some obstruction in the passage through which the air flows.

> Ginger Tea:
Drinking ginger tea will help your airways relax and stop wheezing instantly. You can prepare ginger tea by taking freshly chopped ginger root and add it to a cup of boiling water.

> Peppermint tea:
Will reduce wheezing because it has got potent properties which help soothe your throat.

> Gooseberry:
Take some long pepper, gooseberry and ginger powder. Mix all of these equally and crush them. Make a paste out of it. This preparation should be mixed with clarified butter. This is sure to cure wheezing.

> Breathing Exercise:
Breathing exercise will surely reduce the effect of wheezing and cure it gradually. This will help to improve the breathing capacity and strengthen the lungs as well.

> Hot Water Bath:
Taking a hot shower bath will reduce wheezing quite effectively. The heat and steam of the hot water will ease your wheezing by relaxing air passages and soothe your chest.

> Exercise:
Regular exercise of the body is a must for the overall health of the body and can also reduce wheezing.

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#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #glutathionebd #biotinbd 


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Take Your Decision Today !

➡️Take Action Today and Achieve Your Goals 🏁
#weightlossinbd #dhakaweightloss #slimmingbd #naturalweightlossbd #garciniacambogiabd #GreenCoffeeExtractbd #weightlossmotivation #glutathionebd #biotinbd #glucomannanbd #raspberryketonebd 


Health is the Greatest Gift !

Health is the Greatest Gift ! 
Contentment the Greatest Wealth, Faithfulness the best relationship 💖
#weightlossbd #dhakaweightloss #garciniacambogiabd #GreenCoffeeExtractbd #weightlossmotivation #glutathionebd #biotinbd #glucomannanbd #raspberryketonebd 


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

If there is a WILL, Then there is a WAY !

If there is a WILL ...Then there is a WAY ! 
#fat2fit  #weightlossjourney #losingweight  #weightlossstruggle #fatlossjourney  #fit #dietplan #slimmingjourney  #weightlossbd #fatburner

Be determined and Focused ,you will definitely get your Goals ! 


Saturday, December 1, 2018


#fat2fit  #weightlossjourney #losingweight  #weightlossstruggle #fatlossjourney  #fit #dietplan #slimmingjourney  #weightlossbd #fatburner

> Keep a food diary:
If this is something that you don’t do already we strongly advise you to begin right away. This is an amazing yet simple weight loss tool. You have to record everything that passes your lips throughout the day, you must be honest. It can really help you evaluate your daily intake, and also help you identify areas of improvement. It can be a real eye opener when you see what you consume, and at what times throughout the day.

> Burn 100 Calories NOW:
If you have a few minutes to spare throughout your day and want to burn some calories do this workout: 40 Jumping Jacks, 30 Crunches, 20 Squats, and 10 Pushups. You will be one step closer to your goal.

> Do not skip Breakfast:
There is a reason why so many people say this is the most important meal of the day! Eating breakfast can boost your energy and rev your metabolism so you burn far more calories throughout the day. It is important what you eat, make sure you include protein rich foods like eggs or nuts, these will keep you fuller for longer (and stop you reaching for the snacks later on in the morning)

> Chew your food:
Chewing your food properly certainly helps boost your weight loss, and helps you achieve your goals quicker. Mahatma Gandhi’s mantra “chew your drink and drink your food” does indeed have its benefits if followed. Chewing your food actually allows the brain to receive signals from the stomach that it’s full. Meaning, the more thoroughly you chew your food, the lesser you eat due to the signals that your digestive system and your brain send to each other.

> Get Plenty of Sleep:
Lack of sleep increases your appetite stimulating hormone and makes you feel tired and sluggish the next day.

> Create a calorie deficit:
You don’t have to slog away at the gym every day to lose weight, you will be pleased to hear! All you have to do is ensure you are not consuming more than your basal metabolic rate, also known as BMR.

> Change Simple Things Today:
Walk to work, take the stairs and not the lift or elevator, walk on your lunch break, walk to the shops instead of driving, drink water instead of sugary drinks, only drink alcohol at the weekends, swap your sandwich for a lean meat salad, swap your sugar snacks for sweet fruit, cut out crisps and chocolate in the week. Making just one of these changes would have a significantly positive impact on your overall health. If you changed several, imagine the possibilities!

> Stay Active in our Facebook Fanpage:
Follow the principles of the Weight Loss Program and our social media pages on a daily basis to really give you direction and to keep yourself motivated. Both of these tools give you daily tips to keep you 100% focused and really maximize your weight loss results. We have a great community of people available to support your weight loss goals (and you can even help others).

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